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gold and silver
金和银 金银器  detail>>
a coronal of silver and gold
金金银银的花冠 王冠闪闪(金银花冠)  detail>>
apples of gold in pictures of silver
锦上添花。  detail>>
buy buying gold and silver
美国买家求购黄金镀银  detail>>
gold and silver article
金银制品  detail>>
gold and silver assay
金银鉴定  detail>>
gold and silver balance
金银秤  detail>>
gold and silver bimetallism
金银复本位制  detail>>
gold and silver brocade
金银织锦  detail>>
gold and silver certificate
兑换金银票  detail>>
gold and silver control
金银管理  detail>>
gold and silver damask
金银线织锦缎  detail>>
gold and silver jewellery
金银首饰  detail>>
gold and silver lace
金银线花边  detail>>
gold and silver ware
金银器皿  detail>>
gold and silver worth million
价值三千万美元的金银  detail>>
gold and silver”prawns
金银虾“  detail>>
gold silver alloy plating
金银合金镀覆  detail>>